Click 5. Just the girl I m looking for
With all the latest post commenting about just about any other random topics. I thought I just focus a little attention on one of my favorite past and current topic. Myself.
Firstly, anyone who thinks I am one of those 'popular' guys around going out almost everyday, well let me lay rest to that false theory. It's a fiction. My holidays has been one of slow pace and currently one of my biggest regret this hols is that I started lifting weights only just recently and not any earlier. Yup lifting weights equals going gym btw.
With all my 1987 peers going to the army already or waiting to do so. I thought it's high time i start putting on some training by myself instead of just being another young guy going into the army out of shape. Well thats not to say my army friends are out of shape, but i rather go NS in a good shape than a not so good one. Not to mention, solid motivation from Marcus Pereira the past week as well.
Well of course, a slight lack of height means i will never be as build as Brad Pitt......but well, we are all different aren't we.
Other than that, been seeing a few dvds recently and probably a movie today. A great site to check the rating of any individual movie if you ever want to do so.
Other than that, nothing much for the moment. WIll be updating more soon
Firstly, anyone who thinks I am one of those 'popular' guys around going out almost everyday, well let me lay rest to that false theory. It's a fiction. My holidays has been one of slow pace and currently one of my biggest regret this hols is that I started lifting weights only just recently and not any earlier. Yup lifting weights equals going gym btw.
With all my 1987 peers going to the army already or waiting to do so. I thought it's high time i start putting on some training by myself instead of just being another young guy going into the army out of shape. Well thats not to say my army friends are out of shape, but i rather go NS in a good shape than a not so good one. Not to mention, solid motivation from Marcus Pereira the past week as well.
Well of course, a slight lack of height means i will never be as build as Brad Pitt......but well, we are all different aren't we.
Other than that, been seeing a few dvds recently and probably a movie today. A great site to check the rating of any individual movie if you ever want to do so.
Other than that, nothing much for the moment. WIll be updating more soon
Warning. In my ongoing effort to put on abit of weight. I happen to eat 'a little' too much and ended up with a 'slight' stomach problem on sunday.
A obvious display that sometimes too much of a good thing may be a good thing
Timothy, at 11:17 PM
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