I will tell you the truth, and you shall find your way

Friday, April 07, 2006

The 'truth'

"So does Temasek. But they make their own commercial decision and when they go in, they have to comply with the laws, rules of the countries they go into." ---Our very own PM, on the riots caused by Temesak Holdings.

I loved the word "commercial decision". It so conveniently release our most popular political Party, PAP from all crimes. Just say 'oh nothing we can do, it's a commericial decision'.


"Singaporeans are clear in their mind, they are well read, they have read all about the NKF. Who are the bad guys in NKF? Who are the good guys as far as NKF matter is concerned? Who let the facts all come out? Who organised the investigation? Who transformed NKF? Who brought about the changes and who saved NKF because it was at a risk of being collapsed?"----- Mr Khaw, Health Minister, indirectly saying he saved NKF. Wow, we got a Superman in Cabinet people.

Hey people, next time someone from NKF calls you or ask you for donations . You can thank Mr Khaw for his efforts in 'saving' NKF'. Now thats an Minister worth having isn't it!


Anyway we now finally understand why Ho Ching, Wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsian Loong and CEO of Temesak Holding, A State own Investment Company is ranked as one of the most powerful lady in Asia.

Just ask Thailand, Just ask Thaksin, Ex-Thailand Prime Minister.


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